Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. The challenger’s budget of $63 for five days includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day. The challenge takes place February 10th until February 15th, 2019.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Feb 14 - last challange

Good morning!  Today is the lsat  day of the challenge and It's Valentines Day too!  My challenge for today is that my shampoo spilled in the shower and I now have none. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wed. Feb 13, 2019

Good evening! I went out and bought a couple of things tonight, a bag of smarties ($6.97) because I've been craving chocolate and some Extra Strength Tylenol ($4.00) because of today's challenge .  Tomorrow I'm going to tally up all my expenses and see how much overspent I am! I dropped in to St. Albans tonight and was impressed with the number of  people accessing the free food (cheeseburgers) but I felt too guilty to eat there.  The volunteers were doing a wonderful job serving to the people.


Good morning!  My challenge today is to try to get an aspirin for my headache.  I am going to have to go buy some Tylenol today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019

Hello again,
My stomach growled a lot today but I managed to keep going on some boiled eggs, yogurt with fruit, apples and a salad for lunch. My challenge today was to increase my iron intake so on my way home from work I bought a can of brown beans (.99 cents) and a kale salad marked down 50% ($2.48) and ate them for dinner with left over roast chicken. Beans and dark leafy green vegetables are supposed to have iron in them.  I'm finding that I am more tired than usual and wonder if it is because I'm eating less food?  Am going to stop by St. Albans tomorrow night to see what they are serving. 

Woke up hungry

Good morning!
I woke up today with a grumbling tummy. A sure sign of hunger.  How many people and children experience this on a daily basis? Today's challenge is "your dietician said your iron is low. Figure out how to increase it".  

Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday Feb 11, 2019

Good evening!
I must admit I was a bit hungry this morning between eating a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast and then waiting until lunch time to eat. I had to attend a meeting and took a salad and some fruit along.  For some reason today I had a headache and was wondering if it has to do with my change in diet or maybe the stress of being on such a tight budget?? When I got home from work I was starving and so the  roast chicken from last night made another great dinner tonight.  I heated it up in the oven since my microwave is broken.  I made a salad from the romaine and veggies which filled me right up.  I have enough roast chicken to last for another couple of meals but I am starting to feel that I will be sick and tired of eating the same thing over and over! It's difficult to have variety in foods with such limited funds!  I had a chance to ask around about my music lesson challenge today.....since I work at a school, teachers teach music as part of the curriculum and are a great source of ideas.  Some of the teachers I spoke with said they would gladly provide very basic music lessons (such as guitar, voice, piano) to a child who really is interested in learning but has no means to pay for formal music lessons. I found out there is a retired teacher who would be willing as well.   Another suggestion that came up is to create a "barter arrangement" with an actual music  return for formal music lessons for my child, I can offer to clean their house, cook  meals or help out with important chores in return.  Another really great suggestion given to me today is to approach a local church and find out if there is anyone in the congregation who would be willing to provide free music lessons to my child.  That's all for tonight!  See you in the morning.

Where can I get (free) music lessons for my child????

Good morning!
Just opened my challenge for today - "your child wants music lessons. What are your options?"  I am going to think  about this today and reach out to some people in the community to see what if any options there are for music lessons for a family on social assistance.  On another note, I am thankful for my hot shower and clean clothes this morning and the fact I can drive my own car to work so I am on time!!! 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Jubliee Church

Stopped by Jubilee Church this afternoon -- they were finishing up the church service, setting up tables and starting to serve lunch. I felt welcome and found the people to be non-judgmental and appreciative.  The place was packed! Met Pastor Koval and a very helpful person named Brooke who explained they feed a lot of homeless people.  Found out that 4 churches in Kenora take turns serving meals every evening to those in need and the Jubilee Church serves two meals (lunch and dinner) on Sunday. The cook was serving up plates of food - french fries, chicken fingers and cole slaw to people who were eager to eat.  Saw people of all ages and a few families with small children.  I was touched by generosity of the church volunteers serving food to the many people who were obviously in need. I wondered about the children there, what their lives are like and how having to struggle to get enough food to eat would be such an incredible challenge.

Fresh groceries cost $$$

Hello again!

I spent $32.09 on groceries today buying a couple of whole chickens, strawberries and blueberries ,romaine lettuce, yogurt, 2 dozen eggs, a bag of apples, a green and red pepper, tortillas and a box of granola bars. Tried to find some economical cheese but decided to forgo purchasing as everything I could find was way to expensive.  Hoping this will last me for 5 days!!!!  Feeling guilty I bought so much food and thinking maybe I should have not spent quite so much. Today I did two loads of laundry to prepare for the week ahead.  I put one load in the dryer and hung everything else up to air dry.  Thinking that a load of laundry would be about $2.00? And the dryer the same? Opened up the first challenge and discovered my microwave oven is broke and so I won't be able to use it for the rest of the challenge!!  Thank goodness I have a stove that is working (so far at least).   Made lunch for tomorrow to take to work. 

First Entry

Hello!  Today is my first day for the Poverty Challenge and I'm feeling a bit nervous. I got up this morning and went through the coupons in the weekend flyers in preparation for going to do some grocery shopping.  I found a coupon for Shoppers Drug Mart for eggs - 1:88 a dozen and have clipped it out.  Teds has some good buys on whole chickens, lettuce and yogurt so I'm going to drop by there as well. I am going to make roast chicken for dinner and hopefully there will be enough to last me for a couple of days.  A friend told me the Jubilee Church serves meals today to anyone in need so I am going to drop in there too.

Feb 14 - last challange

Good morning!  Today is the lsat  day of the challenge and It's Valentines Day too!  My challenge for today is that my shampoo spilled i...